Kimberly Shay Vitality
& The Lotus Lounge
What is Breathwork?
There are many kinds of pranayama or breath work. The kind I find most beneficial is a two-part breathing that I learned from David Elliott, author of The Reluctant Healer and Healing. In a nutshell, it is the practice of conscious breathing. Breathing through your mouth only, in and out from your belly then your chest in a relaxed, non-forced manner. I envision a golden hoop that I am slowly creating then moving with each breath until the thinking mind drops off and the feeling mind begins to let go, allow and blossom. Healing through breath allows you to harness your own energy and to heal yourself. By practicing this two-part breathing technique a meditative state of calm and relaxation is achieved. Replenish the body, relax the mind and let go. By allowing yourself to ease into this altered state of consciousness you can release fear, sadness, and past trauma, unveiling truth and universal wisdom.
After just one breathing circle, people have experienced deep healing, insight and wisdom into what changes you may need in your life. Some have profound connections with ancestors. Others have seen troubled relationships salvaged.
We are all our own healers but most of us have forgotten how to heal ourselves. This breathing practice is a way to reconnect with your inner self, intuition, confidence and strength for self empowerment and liberation on all levels; the subtle, physical, emotional ad spiritual.
Please note: This type of vibrational breathing can effect people differently based on their constitution and other factors. Since this practice moves significant prana (lifeforce) throughout the body, some conditions are not recommended. These include pregnancy, severe hypertension, cardiovascular issues, epilepsy, glaucoma, recent surgries or injuries, asthma, bipolar/manic and schizophrenia.